Frequently Asked Questions

Got Questions? We've Got Answers!
Can I generate international content?

Yes, our tool supports all languages.

Do I have support after acquiring GenMindAI?

Within the tool, our team is always available to assist you during business hours. Additionally, as a subscriber, you are welcome to suggest new features and improvements.

Does the generated content have copyright?

All generated content, including videos, images, and texts, belong to you. Since we use artificial intelligence, the content is unique and generated instantly.

How is the content generated so accurately?

We have trained models for text as well as images. AIQuot models are constantly evolving as we use various Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Fine Tune techniques.

In summary: You only worry about generating content, and we take care of the rest :)

Is there a limit to what I can generate in my plans?

In the Extended plan, there is no limit, which is one of its great advantages. In other plans, there is a limit of up to 100,000 words.


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